When It Rains, It Just Fucking Pours.

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 10:11 AM


So want to hear how my week has been?!?!

Monday: Take mum to the hospital, kidney infection that has gotten bacteria into her blood.
Tuesday: Everything fine.
Wednesday: Half day of school. Just plain dumb.
Thursday: Car accident at 7:05 am. Broadsided by a snow plow, when there is NO FUCKING SNOW ON THE GROUND!!!!!

I'm fine. tori's fine. Just shaken up is all.

It Seems Like It's Been A Million Years...

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 3:58 PM


But it hasn't been! So, my one and only reader, other than Lauren, has gotten herself stuck in the hospital. So I need to write a funny blog to make her feel better when she gets home home home.
But I cannot think of anything funny.

So, if by chance you're reading this, and you know of something funny to cheer up my bed ridden, infectious diseased madre, please post a reply!! If not, I shall link this to this in hope for a few painless laughs.


How About....

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 6:13 PM


A talking gecko.
One that swears, and talks about drinking out of cups.
One the wears an Indian headdress, and speaks in tongues.
One that loves seahorses, and seashells.

Let's Talk...

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 4:42 PM


About the Spanish equivalent of Jason Mraz. See below videos, and tell me what you thinks. I dunno the guys name, but the songs are originally by Silvio Rodriguez.

Can We Just Talk About...

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 5:24 PM


Albino Animals.
Here we go. I just think they are great. Or not so great. But can I have the baby turtle? And maybe the squirrel, to make Christan mad. Ha.
<--- Albino Peacock.
<--- Albino Koala.
<--- Albino Crab
<--- Albino Turtle.
<--- Albino Squirrel.
<--- Albino Moose.
<--- Albino Bambi.
<--- Albino Hedgehog.
<--- Albino CrocoGator.
<--- Albino Fox-Cat.
<--- Albino Lions.
<--- Albino Camel.
<--- Albino Kangaroo.