Let's Talk About...

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 5:54 PM


Mental breakdowns.
I'm not having one, I'm just being dramatic. But I feel like that right about now. Maggie is leaving tomorrow. Like gone for 16 weeks, 4 months.

I am so happy for her, and super jealous. But at the same time I am so terrified that everything is going to change, because she's going off to Spain, and I'm going off to Amherst. It's just really scary to think that we won't be able to hug or kiss or even actually look at each other until December, when I'm going down to St. Croix.

I dunno.
It's bittersweet. Just like camp was.

Camp though was great this summer! Totally going back next year!!!

Mmmm that's about it.