Matt Doyle > You/Me/Life in General.

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 5:59 PM


That's right. Please enjoy these fricken fabulous videos that Tori found and then showed me, and now I'm putting here! He's fabulous.



Let's Talk About...

Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 2:25 PM


How I haven't had a post since, before 2010 began! Sorry about that guys! Nothing too new in my life. Realized that I have to do something about my food problem, so I'm planning out all my lunches, and all my breakfasts, and keeping a journal of what I'm eating, and really just keeping track. That was an ugly thing to talk about, and then therapy was brought up, so I was all I MUST CHANGE THIS ON MY OWN! Because I am so not sitting in a chair across from a gremlin again and having her not help me at all.

Other than that! Things are great! I am in three new art classes, I passed all my old classes so far with flying or almost flying colours. I made honour roll with everything at least, with the exception of English, because we haven't gotten the grade back yet. But I'm sure I did fine, because it's English and I mean really?! Anywho....

This year has been really great so far. Maggie and I still together, three months this past Sunday. My wooden photo project is going to be hung up be the superintendent's office in the glass case. See the picture below of what it's of. I am starting lots of new interesting pieces in AP Studio, and that should be fun. (Also a picture below of something I just finished). I was asked to do the farewell page in the yearbook, and Erin is helping me out, writing a little poem thingy.

Other than that...
She-who-must-not-be-named is back in school. Ew.
Still haven't heard from Emerson.
Cut my bangs. They go straight across now.
Still very much in love with Maggie Corcoran.
That's really it... just wanted to updateeeeee.

acryllic, sharpie, and paint marker on wood. It's my picture in the center. I did the whole thing, and this is the one that is up in the glass case :D

This is three photos that I took in photo class. Brought into photoshop, filtered and the two on the ends are inverted. It's meant to look like a film negative. It's not totally done yet, all the little white sqares need to be cut out too look like actual film. :D