Bored Out Of My 17 Year Old Mind.
Posted by Arielle | Posted in | Posted on 8:12 AM
I know what you're thinking, "How in the world could a 17 year old be BORED, on vacation, when she can DRIVE?!" Well, I am. I have friends, but I don't see them. I have crushes, but I don't follow through with them. I have a car, but I'm too cheap to drive it everywhere and then have to put gas in it. I could be in the other room, playing Monopoly with the kids and my mother, but I feel like that Afrin commercial,(the woman who has mad terrible sinus problems, and her head has turned into a giant bear mascot head). I could be playing Wii, but it get a little bit boring after a while. I could dance dance dance my heart out, and get some new games, but I'm too lazy to put on a bra to do so...
So here I sit in this boring predicament. I could recreate another random ass blog like the monkey one. But, unfortunatley, I am at a loss of what to write about. So I went to my mother and asked her "What do I write about?". Her answer is "Monopoly... Wii ski jump." Well that is no help!! There are 21 versions of Monopoly. I'm baffled.
I'm going to play wii now. But here is a video for you!
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